Boss Info
Warmonger | |
Element | |
Haotas Ravine (Ngarai Haotas) | |
Boss Location | Haotas Ravine: Deepest Part (Ngarai Haotas: Bagian Terdalam) |
Difficulty | Level | HP | Exp |
Easy | 46 | 14769 | 96 |
Normal | 56 | 147690 | 960 |
Hard | 66 | 295380 | 1920 |
Nightmare | 76 | 738450 | 4800 |
Ultimate | 96 | 1476900 | 9600 |
Defense Stats
Easy | Norm | Hard | Nm | Ulti | |
Physical Defense |
6 | 60 | 120 | 240 | 360 |
Physical Resistance (%) |
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Magical Defense |
6 | 60 | 120 | 240 | 360 |
Magical Resistance (%) |
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Neutral Prorate (%) |
150 | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 |
Physical Prorate (%) |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Magical Prorate (%) |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Flee | 4,5 | 45 | 90 | 180 | 270 |
Guard (%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Evasion (%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Critical Resistance |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Interrupt Cooldown
Interrupt | Cooldown (sec) | Tap duration (sec) |
Flinch (Bergidik) | 11 | 2 |
Tumble (Jatuh) | 21 (S.Wave) 22 (S.Thrust) |
4 |
Stun (Pingsan) | 35 | 6 |

At 60% HP, the boss will transition to PH2. When transitioning, the boss will immediately attempt a player-centered AOE attack. This player-centered AOE attack will then be added to the boss's attack patterns from this point on. Two types of Kijimu mobs, red and green, will appear during the battle.The Kijimus have attacks that can inflict Stun. More and more Kijimus will spawn and respawn (if defeated) over time to a maximum of 5 at a time.

Pada 60% HP, bos akan bertransisi ke PH2. Saat bertransisi, bos akan segera mencoba serangan AOE yang berpusat pada pemain. Serangan AOE yang berpusat pada pemain ini kemudian akan ditambahkan ke pola serangan bos mulai saat ini. Dua jenis gerombolan Kijimu, merah dan hijau, akan muncul selama pertempuran. Kijimu memiliki serangan yang dapat menimbulkan Pingsan. Kijimu akan muncul dan muncul kembali (jika dikalahkan) dari waktu ke waktu hingga maksimum 5 pada satu waktu.
(Src: Phantom's Library)
Item Drops
(Sisik Giok) |
(Cakar Abu-Abu) |
(Tengkorak Besar) |
(Bowgun Adilaga) |
![]() War Bowgun Base ATK 44 (50%) Untradable Critical +12 Critical Damage +5 Ailment Resistance -14% ![]() War Bowgun Base ATK 44 (50%) Nonbarter Critical +12 Critical Damage +5 Resistensi Status Buruk -14% |
Critical Rate +6 Critical Damage +2 |
(Helm Perang) |
![]() War Helmet Base DEF 9 Critical Rate +10 Ailment Resistance -20% Weapon ATK +10 ![]() Helm Perang Base DEF 9 Critical Rate +10 Resistensi Status Buruk -20% Weapon ATK +10 |
(Zirah sisik) |
![]() Scale Armor Base DEF 43 Untradable DEF +5% Critical +5 Ailment Resistance +10% Guard Power +5% Neutral Resistance +10% ![]() Zirah sisik Base DEF 43 Nonbarter DEF +5% Critical +5 Resistensi Status Buruk +10% Guard Power +5% Kebal Normal +10% |
Drop Rate Naik seiring pecahnya Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
Harus Memecahkan Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
[dalam proses]
🔻 Informasi Boss dan Miniboss lainnya silahkan menuju Daftar Isi dibawah !!!
🌐 Referensi
- discord: Phantom's Library
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