NPC "Arone"

 NPC "Arone"

👁‍🗨 Info
  • Nama: Arone
  • Suku: Elf
  • Faksi: -
  • Peta: Ruined Temple (Kuil Runtuh)
  • Detail Peta: Ruined Temple: Area 3 (Kuil Runtuh: Area 3)

     Yes? You asking how long I've been here? Well.. Four or five years I guess. I'm not really staying here for long. When I came here, the temple was totally ruined, so I've been repairing the temple little by little in my spare time… Yes, I heard something happened in the temple long time ago and all the monks disappeared. The temple was desolated since then...What? Premiere Gem? Yes, it was giving out the light on the statue's hand like that when I found it. If the bandits had attacked the temple, it should have been taken first. All the monks disappeared... But Premiere Gem was safe... It's really a mysterious temple
 Ajak Bicara
     Saat saya pertama datang, kuil ini benar-benar telah luluh lantak. Saya perlahan memperbaikinya di sela pertapaan sampai akhirnya jadi begini…Benar, kuli ini telah lama kosong sejak mendadak hilangnya para biarawan yang disebabkan oleh suatu kejadian di kuil ini...Ah? Premiere Gems? Benar, mestika itu juga bersinar di atas tangan patung seperti itu saat saya pertama melihatnya...Jika memang tempat ini diserang bandit, seharusnya mestika inilah yang dicuri duluan. Selain itu, Para biarawan hilang mendadak... Premiere Gem juga masih di tempatnya... Tempat ini memang penuh minteri.

🌐 History


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