NPC "Foryan Sentry (Prajurit Kota Sofya)"

 NPC "Foryan Sentry (Prajurit Kota Sofya)"

👁‍🗨 Info
  • Nama: Foryan Sentry (Prajurit Kota Sofya)
  • Suku: Hume
  • Faksi: -
  • Peta: Sofya City (Kota Sofya)
  • Detail Peta: -

     Yo, the Savior!... Huh? Oh, don't play dumb. Most People know your heroic deed. You're quite strong to have beat that notorious dragon. I guess I Can trust your skills… Actually, we sentries train ourselves every day to protect the town but the novices seem half-hearted. If skilled soldiers like you join the training, they'll be wound up and get serious about it. Of course, we'll offer rewards. Well, there is no rush. Talk to me when you feel up to it. We welcome you anytime.

Ask about the city
- About Sofya City
This city was named after the Goddess of Wisdom and it used to be the capital city of a country hundreds of years ago. The country and half of the city were destroyed by the Cataclysm but Pino, the Chief consul, and the current Goddess of Wisdom took the leadership and restored the city. Now it's the biggest city around here.

- Wanna go Shooping
Shopping? You didn't see the crow scarer? It says [Visit Sololo's general store!], right? It's down the alley. The shopkeeper, Sololo is a nice guy and he sells various things.

- Wanna strengthen equipment
Strengthen equipment? Then, go straight and turn right. You'll find a blacksmith's shop A young man Zaldo is the owner. At a glance, he looks kinda timid but he's got a good reputation for his smithing skills. You know, his ancestors were blacksmiths.

- Wanna learn skills
Hmm, skills… There's a library in the city but it's been closed since the scholar who was managing the library passed away…Oh, wait … Yes! A Cule woman recently sought refuge here and said she's gonna take care of the library and reopen it in a few days. She also said she'd put some rare skill books she brought. She' ll make you read them and make good money out of it. She's shrewd

- What's that building?
That Building? That's the government office. Pino, the chief consul and the Goddess of Wisdom is there. Go inside? No, you can't. Of course, for security reasons. Pino herself always says it should be opened to everyone though. But I'm a sentry, so I have to control entry for Pino's Safety. I myself want to do as Pino Says though

 Ajak Bicara
     Hei, pahlawan!.... Apa? Jangan pura-pura bodoh, ah! Hampir semua orang kota sudah tahu kisah heroikmu. Hebat juga kamu bisa mengalahkan naga jahat itu! Kurasa aku bisa mengandalkanmu… Jadi, kami para prajurit berlatih keras demi melindungi kota ini. Tapi para anggota baru kayaknya kurang serius. Jika ada orang sekuatmu ikut latihat bersama kami, kurasa suasanya akan lebih tegang dan mereka akan serius latihan. Tentu saja ada imbalannya. Aah, tidak perlu buru-buru. Beri tahu saja aku kapan kamu sempat. Kami akan selalu menyambutmu.

Dengar sejarah kota
-Cerita Kota Sofya
Nama Sofya diambil dari sofis, seorang Dewi Kearifan. Beberapa abad yang lalu, kota ini adalah ibukota suatu negeri. Bencana raya menghancurkan setengah kota itu dan negeri itu pun hilang ditelan zaman. Sebagai penerus Dewi Kearifan & Konsul Tertinggi, Dewi Pino menjadi kota besar satu-satunya disini.

- Ingin berbelanja
Belanja? Apa kamu tidak lihat orang-orangan sawah di dekat gerbang? "Semua kebutuhan Anda ada di Toserba Sololo!" Ada tulisan seperti itu, bukan? Tokonya ada di dalam gang itu. Sololo yang punya toko, orangnya ramah dan barang jualannya pun cukup lengkap, lho.

- Ingin Perkuat Perlengkaan
Perkuat perlengkapan kah? Kalau begitu ikuti jalan ini. Di ujung kanan ada seorang pandai besi muda bernama Zaldo. Sekilas, dia terlihat kurang PeDe, namun ilmu tempanya adalah warisan turun-temurun. Kualitas pekerjaanya sudah diakui banyak orang.

- Ingin Belajar skill
Skill, ya… Ada perpustakaan di kota ini, tapi tempat itu sudah lama tutup sejak profesor pengurusnya meninggal…Ah, tunggu… oh, iya! Belakangan seorang wanita Cule mengungsi ke sini dan bilang akan membuka kembali perpustakaan setelah membereskan isisnya. Dia juga bilang akan meletakkan buku skill langka bawaannya. Ia akan membuatmu membacanya & Membayar cukup mahal. Lihai sekali dia...

- Bangunan yang jauh itu apa?
Bangunan itu? Itu Balai Kota, sebuah instansi pemerintahan. Sekaligus tempat kediaman Dewi Pino, kepala balai serta penerus Dewi Kearifan…Kamu mau masuk? Tidak, tidak boleh karena alasan keamanan. Namun Dewi Pino selalu bilang seharusnya Balai Kota itu terbuka untuk semua orang. Tapi sebagai seorang prajurit yang bertanggung jawab atas keselamatan beliau, aku tidak boleh membiarkan itu terjadi. Ini sulit...

🌐 History


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