NPC "Gondola Elf Warrior (Prajurit Eld Gondola)"

 NPC "Gondola Elf Warrior (Prajurit Eld Gondola)"

👁‍🗨 Info
  • Nama: Gondola Elf Warrior (Prajurit Eld Gondola)
  • Suku: Elf
  • Faksi: Resistle
  • Peta: Calle Mort
  • Detail Peta: -

     Hello… Yes, everything is fine. But sometimes the pale things that are roaming around kinda give me the chills..The warrior who built this gondola also said that something seemed to be down there. He didn't see how it looked like but he felt its presence...I think it's dangerous since we don't know what it is. Please be very careful if you are going down!
 Ajak Bicara
     Hai… Ya, semuanya baik-baik saja. Tapi kadang-kadang saya merasa agak ngeri melihat makhluk berwarna pucat yang berkeliaran…Kata prajurit yang membangun gondola ini, kayaknya memang ada sesuatu dibawah. Wujudnya memang tak kelihatan, tapi ia bisa merasakannya... Kurasa turun ke bawah itu hal yang berbahaya karena kita tidak tahu makhluk apa itu. Berhati-hatilah!

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