NPC "Nuxe"

 NPC "Nuxe"

👁‍🗨 Info
  • Nama: Nuxe
  • Suku: Eumano
  • Faksi: -
  • Peta: Erva Tronc
  • Detail Peta: -

      Welcome… I bet you're not here for shopping today, are you? It's okau, we'll have a little chat. By the way, that lil' merchant girl with you is really something. She's still young, but so good at haggling. I bet even my friends can't beat her. Well, she's always so calculating, but I feel like She's got the skill to turn the tables whenever she's about to take a beating. O, I recall she has a huge hammer with her tho...Whaaat?! She brutally hits monsters with it?! No way, what a fierce merchant warrior! Hahaha. Uh? A blacksmith?! You must be kiddin'! How could there be one here! You need to deal with fire to be a blacksmith!!... Sorry, but we're Eumanos. We'll Instantly turn into ashes when Exposes to fire, so there's no blacksmith here. Sorry for that..
 Ajak Bicara
     Ment datang… Hari ini bukan belanja ya? Ga pa pa kok, mari kita ngerumpi sebentar. Oh ya, gadis pedagang temanmu itu hebat sekali ya. Padahal masih mudah, tapi jago nawar. Kurasa teman-teman pedagangku juga kalah jagonya. Dia itu selalu mengutamakan untung-rugi sih ya, sampai-sampai kadang dia hampir rugi besar, tapi dia sangat pandai memutarbalikan situasi. Oh ya, seingatku dia bawa palu gede tuh... Apaa?! Minster dihajar secara barbar dengan itu?! Wah, dia pedagang petarung di luar dugaan, hahaha...Hmm? Pandai Besi?! Kalau bercanda yang benar saja dong! Pandai besi itu harus berurusan dengan api tau!!...Maaf, tapi kami ini Eumano. Kami akan langsung jadi abu kalau main api. Jadi maaf ya, disini tidak ada pandai besi.

📝 General Store (Toserba)

1)  Revita III
 Revita III
Restores 1000 HP
 Revita III
Mengisi 1000 HP.

2)  Revita IV
 Revita IV
Restores 2000 HP
 Revita IV
Mengisi 2000 HP

3)  Revita V
 Revita V
Restores 4000 HP
 Revita V
Mengisi 4000 HP

4)  Regera III
  Regera III
Restores 50 HP every 3 sec for 5 min. Unavailable with other HP healing
 Regera III
Mengisi 50 HP/3 detik selama 5 menit. Tak dapat digunakan bersama Penyembuh HP lain

5)  Vita Plus III
 Vita Plus III
MaxHP +1500 for 30 min. Unavailable with other HP Boost items
 Vita Plus III
MaxHP +1500 selama 30 menit. Tak dapat digunakan bersama penambah HP lain

6)  Magiadd III
 Magiadd III
MaxMP +300 for 30 min. Unavailable with other MP Boost items.
 Magiadd III
MaxMP +300 selama 20 menit. Tak dapat digunakan bersama Penambah MP lain.

7)  Vaccine III
 Vaccine III
Prevets ailments once for 3 min. Invalid against immobilization. Unavailable with other Preventive
 Vaccine III
Mencegah 1 status buruk dalam 3 menit. Tak ampuh untuk kejang.

8)  Talisman (Azimat)
MaxMP +200
MaxMP +200

🌐 History


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