Avatar "Cleric (Klerus)"

Avatar "Cleric (Klerus)"

πŸ‘‍πŸ—¨ Info
  • Tanggal rilis: 20-06-2024
  • Keterangan: - 

Avatar Cleric (Klerus)

πŸ“ Avatar Equipment

  • Cleric (Klerus)
    •  Cleric (Top) / Klerus (Atas)
    •  Cleric (Bottom) / Klerus (Bawah)
    •  Cleric Hat / Topi Klerus
    •  Lantern of Guidance / Lentera Pemandu
  • Angelic Cleric (Klerus Suci)
    •  Angelic Cleric (Top) / Klerus Suci (Atas)
    •  Angelic Cleric (Bottom) / Klerus Suci (Bawah)
    •  Extra Long Cleric Hair / Rambut Klerus Super Panjang
    •  Light of Blessing / Cahaya Berkah
  • Gallant Cleric (Klerus Berani)
    •  Gallant Cleric (Top) / Klerus Berani (Atas)
    •  Gallant Cleric (Bottom) / Klerus Berani (Bawah)
    •  Gallant Cleric Hat / Topi Klerus Berani
    •  Wings of Blessing / Sayap Berkah

πŸ‘• Detail Avatar

[Masih dalam proses]

🌐 Referensi
  • https://id.toram.jp/information/detail/?information_id=7450


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