Boss Info
Brass Dragon Reguita (Naga Trompet Reguita) | |
Element | |
Boma Konda | |
Boss Location | Boma Konda: Village Center (Boma Konda: Pusat Desa) |
Difficulty | Level | HP | Exp |
Easy | 240 | 700000 | 2890 |
Normal | 250 | 7000000 | 28900 |
Hard | 260 | 14000000 | 57800 |
Nightmare | 270 | 35000000 | 144500 |
Ultimate | 290 | 70000000 | 289000 |
Defense Stats
Easy | Norm | Hard | Nm | Ulti | |
Physical Defense |
50 | 500 | 1000 | 2000 | 3000 |
Physical Resistance (%) |
10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Magical Defense |
87,5 | 875 | 1750 | 3500 | 5250 |
Magical Resistance (%) |
10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Neutral Prorate (%) |
7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
Physical Prorate (%) |
3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Magical Prorate (%) |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Flee | 39 | 390 | 780 | 1560 | 2340 |
Guard (%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Evasion (%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Critical Resistance |
35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 |

On initiation, the boss will release a full map AOE (fixed M, Curse); this attack can be safely interrupted by Tumble.
Dealing ≥1M damage to the boss causes the boss to have a 300k damage limit for 10 sec
The boss has 2 phases (@50%HP). Attack patterns change in PH2.
At the start of battle or before the initial full map AOE, the boss retaliates to FS. T is OK.
After the full map AOE or the initial Tumble lands, the boss will start retaliating to T. FS is OK.
Retaliation: 4 magic attacks (abs Curse, Fear, Dizzy, Lethargy) and 1 maxHP fractional attack (item disabled). Attacks appear 5 sec after AOE warning. Boss is [Invincible] while retaliating.
Large meteor to non-aggro (fixed M, abs Tumble) can Tumble the boss and trigger a retaliation.
Bullet attack towards non-aggro deals heavy fractional damage
Pacman AOE (9m radius, P, abs Knockback)
Fixed magic damage from boss's attacks (i.e., blue vortex, large meteor, initial AOE) vary with difficullty:
E: 50, N: 100, H: 200, NM: 400, ULT: 600

Saat inisiasi, bos akan melepaskan AOE peta penuh (M tetap, Kutukan); serangan ini dapat dihentikan dengan aman oleh Jatuh.
Menimbulkan kerusakan ≥1 juta pada bos menyebabkan bos memiliki batas kerusakan 300 ribu selama 10 detik
Bos memiliki 2 fase (@50%HP). Pola serangan berubah di PH2.
Pada awal pertempuran atau sebelum AOE peta penuh awal, bos membalas ke Bergidik dan Pingsan. Jatuh tidak masalah.
Setelah AOE peta penuh atau Jatuh awal terjadi, bos akan mulai membalas ke Jatuh. Bergidik dan Pingsan tidak masalah.
Pembalasan: 4 serangan sihir (tidak termasuk Kutukan, Ketakutan, Pening, Lesuh) dan 1 serangan fraksional HP maks (item dinonaktifkan). Serangan muncul 5 detik setelah peringatan AOE. Bos [Kebal Total] saat membalas.
Meteor besar ke non-agresif (M tetap, abs Jatuh) dapat menjatuhkan bos dan memicu pembalasan.
Serangan peluru ke non-agresif menghasilkan kerusakan fraksional yang besar
Pacman AOE (radius 9m, P, abs Knockback)
Kerusakan sihir tetap dari serangan bos (mis., pusaran biru, meteor besar, AOE awal) bervariasi dengan tingkat kesulitan:
E: 50, N: 100, H: 200, NM: 400, ULT: 600
(Src: Phantom's Library)
Breakable Parts
3 Parts:
Staff (BWG),
Left Wing (KTN),
Tail (Brass Dragon Tail)
Item Drops
(Pecahan Hiasan Rusak) |
(Taring Tajam Naga Trompet) |
(Tanduk Naga Trompet) |
(Naga Trompet Reguita) |
[ ATK +10% MATK +10% Natural HP Regen -12% Natural MP Regen -12% |
(Pedang Naga Trompet) |
![]() Brass Dragon Sword Base ATK: 194 (70%) Untradable Light Element ATK +10% Attack Speed +1000 Accuracy +100 Additional Melee +100% Critical Rate +200% Reduce Dmg (Charge) +40% ![]() Pedang Naga Trompet Base ATK: 194 (70%) Nonbarter Unsur Cahaya ATK +10% Kecepatan Serangan +1000 Accuracy +100 Tambahan Fisik +100% Critical Rate +200% Reduksi DMG (Charge) +40% |
(Ekor Naga Trompet) |
![]() Base ATK: 388 (50%) Untradable Light Element ATK +10% Physical Pierce +15% Cast Speed +20% Additional Melee +100% Critical Rate +200% Reduce Dmg (Straight Line) +40% ![]() Base ATK: 388 (50%) Nonbarter Unsur Cahaya ATK +10% Penetrasi Fisik +15% Kecepatan Merapal +20% Tambahan Fisik +100% Critical Rate +200% Reduksi DMG (Linear) +40% |
Drop Rate Naik seiring pecahnya Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
Harus Memecahkan Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
[dalam proses]
[dalam proses]
🔻 Informasi Boss dan Miniboss lainnya silahkan menuju Daftar Isi dibawah !!!
🌐 Referensi
- discord: Phantom's Library
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