Boss Info
Don Profundo | |
Element | |
Abandoned District (Kawasan Terlantar) |
Boss Location | Abandoned District: Ruins Summit (Kawasan Terlantar: Puncak Reruntuhan) |
Difficulty | Level | HP | Exp |
Easy | 252 | 680000 | 2600 |
Normal | 262 | 6800000 | 26000 |
Hard | 272 | 13600000 | 52000 |
Nightmare | 282 | 34000000 | 130000 |
Ultimate | 302 | 68000000 | 260000 |
Defense Stats
Easy | Normal | Hard | Nightmare | Ultimate | |
Physical Defense |
78,7 | 787 | 1574 | 3148 | 4722 |
Physical Resistance (%) |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Magical Defense |
104,7 | 1047 | 2094 | 4188 | 6282 |
Magical Resistance (%) |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Normal: 20 Shell: 90 |
Neutral Prorate (%) |
10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Physical Prorate (%) |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Magical Prorate (%) |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Flee | 40 | 400 | 800 | 1600 | 2400 |
Guard (%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Evasion (%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Critical Resistance |
30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 |

2 Phases
@50% HP:
Boss temporarily gains invincible and goes into SHELL mode (Blue).
2 PROFUNDO mobs also spawn at the left & right corners of the arena entrance.
Each PROFUNDO periodicially releases 3 storms in front of themself (CurHP FR, Freeze, 5 sec duration).
The storms take up a large area of the arena.
Once all the PROFUNDO mobs are defeated, the boss goes back to normal mode (non-SHELL mode).
TS: Damage to boss -100% while part break timers are active
After 50% HP (i.e., PH2), the boss gains a new dangerous attack pattern: Mana well (M, Item Disabled), 2 cross fins (High MaxHP FR, Slow).
If an attacking skill would cause the boss to go below 50% HP during PH1, the rest of that skill's damage is nullified and the boss stays at 50%.

2 Fase
@50% HP:
Bos untuk sementara menjadi tak terkalahkan dan masuk ke mode SHELL (Biru).
2 gerombolan PROFUNDO juga muncul di sudut kiri & kanan pintu masuk arena.
Setiap PROFUNDO secara berkala melepaskan 3 badai di depan mereka sendiri (CurHP FR, Beku, durasi 5 detik).
Badai-badai tersebut mengambil alih area arena yang luas.
Setelah semua gerombolan PROFUNDO dikalahkan, bos kembali ke mode normal (mode non-SHELL).
F: Oke
TS: Kerusakan pada bos -100% saat penghitung waktu istirahat aktif
FTS: Oke
Setelah 50% HP (misalnya, PH2), bos memperoleh pola serangan berbahaya yang baru: Sumur Mana (M, Item Dinonaktifkan), 2 sirip silang (MaxHP FR Tinggi, Lambat). Jika skill menyerang menyebabkan HP bos turun di bawah 50% selama PH1, sisa kerusakan skill tersebut akan dinetralkan dan HP bos tetap di 50%.
Breakable Parts
3 Parts:
Torso (Abyssal Creature Exoskeleton),
Right Arm Above Saw,
Back Left Spike on Shoulder
Item Drops
(Cakar Kera Makhluk Abisal) |
(Tanduk Besar Makhluk Abisal) |
(Intan Abisal) |
(Sarung Tinju Don) |
![]() Don Knuckles Base ATK 361 (90%) Untradable Light Element ATK +10% Critical Damage +10% Critical Rate +45 MaxHP +10000 Physical Resistance +40% Neutral Resistance +20% ![]() Sarung Tinju Don Base ATK 361 (90%) Nonbarter Unsur Cahaya ATK +10% Critical Damage +10% Critical Rate +45 MaxHP +10000 Kekebalan Fisik +40% Kebal Netral +20% |
(Perisai Don) |
![]() Don Shield Base DEF 112 Untradable Guard Recharge +25% Guard Power +36% MaxHP +10000 With Light Armor: Critical Rate +5 Aggro +50% ![]() Perisai Don Base DEF 112 Nonbarter Guard Recharge +25% Guard Power +36% MaxHP +10000 Dengan Armor Ringan: Critical Rate +5 Aggro +50% |
[ ATK +10% STR +7% Critical Rate +8% DEF -27% |
(Rangka Luar Makhluk Abisal) |
Drop Rate Naik seiring pecahnya Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
Harus Memecahkan Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
[dalam proses]
[dalam proses]
🔻 Informasi Boss dan Miniboss lainnya silahkan menuju Daftar Isi dibawah !!!
🌐 Referensi
- discord: Phantom's Library
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