Boss Info
Grass Dragon Yelb (Naga Sabana Yelb) | |
Element | |
Vyshed The Tainted Land (Tanah Ternoda Vyshed) | |
Boss Location | Albatif Village (Desa Albatif) |
Difficulty | Level | HP | Exp |
Easy | 60 | 43919 | 504 |
Normal | 70 | 439190 | 5040 |
Hard | 80 | 878380 | 10080 |
Nightmare | 90 | 2195950 | 25200 |
Ultimate | 110 | 4391900 | 50400 |
Defense Stats
Easy | Normal | Hard | Nightmare | Ultimate | ||||||||||||||||
Physical Defense |
Normal |
14,6 | Enraged |
102,2 | Normal |
146 | Enraged |
1022 | Normal |
292 | Enraged |
2044 | Normal |
584 | Enraged |
4088 | Normal |
876 | Enraged |
6132 |
Physical Resistance (%) |
2 | 22 | 2 | 22 | 2 | 22 | 2 | 22 | 2 | 22 | ||||||||||
Magical Defense |
21,9 | 65,7 | 219 | 657 | 438 | 1314 | 876 | 2628 | 1314 | 3942 | ||||||||||
Magical Resistance (%) |
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||||||||||
Neutral Prorate (%) |
3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | ||||||||||
Physical P rorate (%) |
50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ||||||||||
Magical Prorate (%) |
50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ||||||||||
Flee | 8,7 | 8,7 | 87 | 87 | 174 | 174 | 348 | 348 | 522 | 522 | ||||||||||
Guard (%) | 30 | 40 | 30 | 40 | 30 | 40 | 30 | 40 | 30 | 40 | ||||||||||
Evasion (%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||||
Critical Resistance |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

SLOW/STOP/IGNITE: When the boss receives a Slow or Stop ailment during normal mode, it will change to enraged mode for 30 sec and then go back to normal mode. While in enraged mode, the boss's defenses are halved and the boss's movement speed increases.
DAMAGE: When the boss receives damage higher than 3% of its health in one instance, it will go into enraged mode and shell mode (SHELL) at the same time for 30 sec. While in shell mode, the bosses defenses increase by a lot.
PARA/ARMORBREAK: Removes the boss's shell mode and returns the defenses to normal. The boss will retaliate with a low damage, full-map AOE attack that inflicts paralysis if inflicted with Armor Break or Paralysis whiile in shell mode.
While the boss is in enraged mode, it will perform full-map AOE attacks periodically. All of these full-map AOE attacks inflict ailments.

Lambat/Berhenti/Terbakar: Saat bos menerima penyakit Lambat atau Berhenti selama mode normal, ia akan berubah ke mode marah selama 30 detik lalu kembali ke mode normal. Saat dalam mode marah, pertahanan bos berkurang setengahnya dan kecepatan gerak bos meningkat.
DAMAGE: Saat bos menerima kerusakan lebih tinggi dari 3% dari kesehatannya dalam satu kejadian, ia akan masuk ke mode marah dan mode shell (SHELL) secara bersamaan selama 30 detik. Saat dalam mode shell, pertahanan bos meningkat pesat.
Lumpuh/Pecah Zirah: Menghapus mode shell bos dan mengembalikan pertahanan ke normal. Bos akan membalas dengan serangan AOE peta penuh dengan kerusakan rendah yang menimbulkan kelumpuhan jika diberikan Armor Break atau Paralysis saat dalam mode shell.
Saat bos dalam mode marah, ia akan melakukan serangan AOE peta penuh secara berkala. Semua serangan AOE peta penuh ini menimbulkan penyakit.
(Src: Phantom's Library)
Breakable Parts
2 Parts:
Neck (STF, Grass Dragon's Petal),
Left Front Leg (OHS)
Item Drops
(Kulit Naga Sabana) |
(Sisik Naga Sabana) |
(Bijih Mithril) |
(Naga Sabana Yelb) |
![]() Grass Dragon Yelb ATK +3% Attack Speed +50% Long Range Damage -10% ![]() Naga Sabana Yelb ATK +3% Kecepatan Serangan +50% Daya Jarak Jauh -10% |
(Lembing Floral) |
![]() Floral Lance Base ATK 130 (65%) Untradable Earth Element MaxHP +1000 ATK +2% Magic Resistance +5% Critical Damage +1% ![]() Lembing Floral Base ATK 130 (65%) Nonbarter Unsur Bumi MaxHP +1000 ATK +2% Kekebalan Sihir+5% Critical Damage +1% |
![]() Folium Staff Base ATK 80 (55%) Untradable Earth Element INT +3% Magic Resistance +10% Attack Speed +500 Aggro -3% ![]() Folium Staff Base ATK 80 (55%) Untradable Unsur Bumi INT +3% Kekebalan Sihir +10% Kecepatan Serangan +500 Aggro -3% |
(Mahkota Naga Sabana) |
![]() Phyto Blade Base ATK 74 (90%) Untradable Earth Element MATK +70 Magic Resistance +5% Critical Damage +10% ![]() Phyto Blade Base ATK 74 (90%) Nonbarter Unsur Bumi MATK +70 Kekebalan Sihir +5% Critical Damage +10% |
Drop Rate Naik seiring pecahnya Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
Harus Memecahkan Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
[dalam proses]
[dalam proses]
🔻 Informasi Boss dan Miniboss lainnya silahkan menuju Daftar Isi dibawah !!!
🌐 Referensi
- discord: Phantom's Library
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