Boss Info
Difficulty | Level | HP | Exp |
Easy | 258 | 840000 | 3360 |
Normal | 268 | 8400000 | 33600 |
Hard | 278 | 16800000 | 67200 |
Nightmare | 288 | 42000000 | 168000 |
Ultimate | 308 | 84000000 | 336000 |
Defense Stats
Easy | Norm | Hard | Nm | Ulti | |
Physical Defense |
93,8 | 938 | 1876 | 3752 | 5628 |
Physical Resistance (%) |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
Magical Defense |
93,8 | 938 | 1876 | 3752 | 5628 |
Magical Resistance (%) |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 10 PH2: 20 PH2+FT: 30 |
Neutral Prorate (%) |
15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Physical Prorate (%) |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Magical Prorate (%) |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Flee | 40 | 400 | 800 | 1600 | 2400 |
Guard (%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Evasion (%) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
CriticalResistance | PH1: 20 PH2: 25 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 20 PH2: 25 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 20 PH2: 25 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 20 PH2: 25 PH2+FT: 30 |
PH1: 20 PH2: 25 PH2+FT: 30 |

Boss has 2 phases (2 HP bars)
S: Boss retaliates with an unavoidable attack to all party members (MaxHP FR, abs S)
FT: Boss's PRES/MRES +10% and Critical Resistance +5 for 15 seconds.
S: Same as PH1
At the start of PH2 (2nd HP bar), the boss temporarily gains [Invincible] and goes to the center of the map.
Then, it releases a full map, enemy-centered annular AOE (P, [Knockback], 6m inner radius) followed by an enemy-centered circular AOE (P, abs [Knockback], 6m radius).
Also, 2 untargetable mobs (SW, NE) will start periodically releasing wide AOEs (MaxHP FR, [Silence] or [Bleed]).
The wide AOEs alternate between the left side and right side of the aggro-holder at a ~30 degree angle.
The safe area from these wide AOEs is anywhere inside the mobs' 30 degree field of view towards the aggro-holder.
During PH2, the boss will gain a 3x rush attack (P, T). If it hits anyone during one of these rush attacks, it will stop and perform a frontal breath attack (2 hit, M, [Paralyzed]).

Boss memiliki 2 fase (2 bar HP)
FT: Oke
S: Boss membalas dengan serangan yang tidak dapat dihindari ke semua anggota party (MaxHP FR, abs S)
FT: PRES/MRES Boss +10% dan Critical Resistance +5 selama 15 detik.
S: Sama seperti PH1
Pada awal PH2 (bar HP ke-2), boss memperoleh [Kebal Total] untuk sementara dan pergi ke tengah peta.
Kemudian, ia melepaskan AOE melingkar yang berpusat di peta penuh musuh (P, [Knockback], radius dalam 6m) diikuti oleh AOE melingkar yang berpusat di musuh (P, abs [Knockback], radius 6m).
Selain itu, 2 monster yang tidak dapat ditargetkan (SW, NE) akan mulai melepaskan AOE yang luas secara berkala (MaxHP FR, [Bisu] atau [Berdarah]). Area jangkauan yang lebar bergantian antara sisi kiri dan sisi kanan pemegang aggro pada sudut ~30 derajat.
Area aman dari area jangkauan yang lebar ini adalah di mana saja di dalam bidang pandang 30 derajat gerombolan ke arah pemegang aggro.
Selama PH2, bos akan mendapatkan serangan serbu 3x (P, T). Jika mengenai siapa pun selama salah satu serangan serbu ini, ia akan berhenti dan melakukan serangan napas frontal (2 serangan, M, [Lumpuh]).
(Src: Phantom's Library)
Breakable Parts
3 Parts:
Head (Bovinari Crystal Horn),
Root of Tail (THS),
Tip of Tail (HB)
Item Drops
(Skat Naga Meraung) |
(Sayap Keras Naga Meraung) |
(Jantung Meraung) |
(Naga Meraung Bovinari) |
![]() Raging Dragon Bovinari [ Short Range Damage +7% Attack MP Recovery +15 Physical Barrier +3000 Magic Barrier +3000 ![]() Naga Meraung Bovinari [ Daya Jarak Dekat +7% Attack MP Recovery +15 Pelindung Fisik +3000 Pelindung Sihir +3000 |
(Tanduk Kristal Bovinari) |
(Pedang Hawa Nafsu) |
![]() Avid Blade Base ATK 799 (70%) Untradable Wind Element +10% stronger against Water ATK +10% Attack MP Recovery +20 Critical Rate +50 Critical Rate +100% Guard Break 40% ![]() Pedang Hawa Nafsu Base ATK 799 (70%) Nonbarter Unsur Angin +10% Luka Ke Air ATK +10% Attack MP Recovery +20 Critical Rate +50 Critical Rate +100% Pertahanan Hancur 40% |
(Tombak Golok Hawa Nafsu) |
![]() Avid Glaive Base ATK 852 (60%) Untradable Wind Element +10% stronger against Water ATK +10% Attack MP Recovery +20 Critical Rate +50 Evasion Recharge +100% Anticipate 40% ![]() Tombak Golok Hawa Nafsu Base ATK 852 (60%) Nonbarter Unsur Angin +10% Luka Ke Air ATK +10% Attack MP Recovery +20 Critical Rate +50 Evasion Recharge +100% Antisipasi 40% |
Drop Rate Naik seiring pecahnya Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
Harus Memecahkan Bagian (Bagian tertentu saja)
[dalam proses]
[dalam proses]
🔻 Informasi Boss dan Miniboss lainnya silahkan menuju Daftar Isi dibawah !!!
🌐 Referensi
- discord: Phantom's Library
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