⚔ Daftar Armor (Zirah) Tank
1) Dragoon Mail (Zirah Dragoon)
Base DEF 280
MaxHP +3000
MaxHP +20%
Ailment Resistance +15%
Accuracy +20
Cast Speed +10 %
MaxMP -100
DEF Dasar 280
MaxHP +3000
MaxHP +20%
Resistansi Status Buruk +15%
Accuracy +20
Kecepatan Merapal +10 %
MaxMP -101
[NPC] Blacksmith
(Pandai Besi)
2) Curious Dress (Gaun Penasaran)
Base DEF 166
MaxMP +1000
Critical Rate +100%
Ailment Resistance +10%
Critical Damage +1%
DEF Dasar 166
MaxMP +1000
Critical Rate +100%
Resistansi Status Buruk +10%
Critical Damage +1%
Ancient Empress Mezzaluna (Hell)
3) Medic Coat (Baju Dokter)
Base DEF 43
MaxMP +300
Natural HP Regen +15%
Aggro +30%
Ailment Resistance +15%
DEF Dasar 43
MaxMP +300
Natural HP Regen +15%
Aggro +30%
Ailment Resistance +15%
Halloween Event
4) †Dark Syndicate† Vilment (Jubah †Sindikat Gelap†)
Base DEF 222
ATK +4%
Short Range Damage +4%
MaxHP +4000
Accuracy +50%
Ailment Resistance +5%
Dark resistance +20%
With Shield:
Aggro +30%
With Dual Swords:
Stability +15%
DEF Dasar 222
ATK +4%
Daya Jarak Dekat +4%
MaxHP +4000
Accuracy +50%
Resistansi Status Buruk +5%
Kebal Gelap +20%
Dengan Perisai:
Aggro +30%
Dengan Pedang Ganda:
Stability +15%
YASHIRO AZUKI x Toram Online Collab Event
(Event Kolab YASHIRO AZUKI x Toram Online)
5) Heaven Feather Garb (Jubah Bulu Surgawi)
Base DEF 141
ATK +6%
MATK +6%
MaxHP +4000
MaxMP +400
Revive Time -30%
Light resistance +30%
Dark resistance +20%
Neutral Resistance +10%
DEF Dasar 141
ATK +6%
MATK +6%
MaxHP +4000
MaxMP +400
Waktu Bangkit -30%
Kebal Cahaya +30%
Kebal Gelap +20%
Kebal Normal +10%
Seele Zauga
Shrine of the Goddess of Species
(Kuil Dewi Spesies)
6) Jeremiah Mail (Zirah Jeremiah)
Base DEF 110
MaxHP +1000
MaxMP +100
Physical Resistance +10%
Magical Resistance +10%
Ailment Resistance +5%
DEF Dasar 110
MaxHP +1000
MaxMP +100
Kekebalan Fisik +10%
Kekebalan Sihir +10%
Resistansi Status Buruk +5%
[NPC] Blacksmith
(Pandai Besi)
7) Brigandine
Base DEF 60
MaxHP +1000
Physical Resistance +25%
Magical Resistance +25%
Dodge -30%
Stability -10%
Light resistance -75%
Dark resistance -75%
DEF Dasar 60
MaxHP +1000
Kekebalan Fisik +25%
Kekebalan SIhir +25%
Dodge -30%
Stability -10%
Kebal Cahaya -75%
Kebal Gelap -75%
[NPC] Blacksmith
(Pandai Besi)
8) Anniversary Festive Garb (Baju Pesta Dirgahayu)
Base DEF 150
MaxHP +1500
MaxMP +500
Physical Resistance +10%
Magical Resistance +10%
DEF Dasar 150
MaxHP +1500
MaxMP +500
Kekebalan Fisik +10%
Kekebalan Sihir +10%
[NPC] Blacksmith
(Pandai Besi)
Anniversary Event
(Event Dirgahayu)
9) Anniversary Festive Garb II (Baju Pesta Dirgahayu II)
Base DEF 200
MaxHP +2100
MaxMP +700
Physical Resistance +14%
Magical Resistance +14%
DEF Dasar 200
MaxHP +2100
MaxMP +700
Kekebalan Fisik +14%
Kekebalan Sihir +14%
[NPC] Blacksmith
(Pandai Besi)
Anniversary Event
(Event Dirgahayu)
10) Sakura Kimono IV
Base DEF 80
MaxHP +3000
MaxMP +300
Physical Resistance +15%
Magical Resistance +15%
Revive Time -30%
Invicible Aid (1sec)
DEF Dasar 80
MaxHP +3000
MaxMP +300
Kekebalan Fisik +15%
Kekebalan Sihir +15%
Waktu Bangkit -30%
Bantuan Sakti (1 detik)
[NPC] Blacksmith
(Pandai Besi)
Spring Event
(Event Musim Semi)
11) Lil Empress Garb (Baju Kaisar Wanita)
Base DEF 120
MaxMP +500
Attack MP Recovery +10
Aggro -15%
Physical Resistance +25%
Magical Resistance +25%
Water resistance -75%
DEF Dasar 120
MaxMP +500
Attack MP Recovery +10
Aggro -15%
Kekebalan Fisik +25%
Kekebalan Sihir +25%
Kebal Air -75%
Venena Coenubia
Istana Ultimea: Takhta
(Ultimea Palace: Throne)
12) Bark Mail (Zirah Pepagan)
Base DEF 166
ATK +7%
MATK +7%
MaxMP +300
Physical Resistance +10%
Magical Resistance +30%
Aggro -20%
Additional Magic 100%
DEF Dasar 166
ATK +7%
MATK +7%
MaxMP +300
Kekebalan Fisik +10%
Kekebalan Sihir +30%
Aggro -20%
Tambahan Sihir 100%
Labilans Sector: Square
(Distrik Labilans: Alun-alun)
13) Savage Mail (Zirah Liar)
Base DEF 114
ATK +5%
Short Range Damage +5%
Physical Pierce +10%
Additional Melee 1%
Critical Rate +20
MaxHP +1000
Physical Barrier +1000
DEF Dasar114
ATK +5%
Daya Jarak Dekat +5%
Penetrasi Fisik +10%
Tambahan Fisik 1%
Critical Rate +20
MaxHP +1000
Pelindung Fisik +1000
Ducia Coast: Area 1
(Pesisir Ducia: Area 1)
14) Soldier Armor (Zirah Prajurit)
Base DEF 123
Attack Speed +500
Cast Speed +500
Stability +5%
Dodge +10%
Absolute Dodge +2%
Evasion Recharge +4%
Anticipate +6 %
DEF Dasar 123
Kecepatan Serangan +500
Kecepatan Merapal +500
Stability +5%
Dodge +10%
Absolute Dodge +2%
Evasion Rate +4%
Antisipasi +6%
Maton Sword
(Pedang Maton)
Buried Tower: Entrance
(Menara Penembus Bumi: Pintu Masuk)
15) Lil Devil Garb (Baju Iblis Cilik)
Base DEF 66
Attack Speed +1000
Cast Speed +1000
Ailment Resistance +10%
Aggro +15%
MaxHP -30%
Light resistance -666%
DEF Dasar 66
Kecepatan Serangan +1000
Kecepatan Merapal +1000
Resistansi Status Buruk +10%
Aggro +15%
MaxHP -30%
Light resistance -666%
[NPC] Blacksmith
(Pandai Besi)
Halloween Event
16) Ocean Dancer (Penari Samudra)
Base DEF 90
Attack MP Recovery +10
Attack Speed +1000
Evasion Recharge +30%
Dodge +20%
Absolute Dodge +10%
Wind Resistance -70%
Base DEF 90
Attack MP Recovery +10
Attack Speed +1000
Evasion Recharge +30%
Dodge +20%
Absolute Dodge +10%
Wind Resistance -70%
[NPC] Blacksmith
(Pandai Besi)
Summer Event
(Event Musim Panas)
17) Demon Empress Garb (Baju Kaisar Iblis)
Base DEF 187
MaxHP +10000
MaxMP +1000
Accuracy +30%
Dodge +30%
Fractional Barrier 20%
Neutral Resistance +20%
DEF Dasar 187
MaxHP +10000
MaxMP +1000
Accuracy +30%
Dodge +30%
Pelindung Fraksional 20%
Kebal Normal +20%
Venena Metacoenubia
Neo Plastida
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