Daftar Lokasi Arrow (Panah) Semua Elemen Lengkap

Daftar Lokasi Arrow (Panah) Semua Elemen Lengkap

Panah (Arrow) adalah sub-weapon yang digunakan terutama oleh kelas Archer (Bow dan Bowgun). Namun, panah juga dapat digunakan oleh kelas lain seperti Mage Halbert, 1H, dan Knuckle. Berikut adalah beberapa jenis panah dan cara mendapatkannya:


 Fire (Api)

  •   Fire Arrow (Panah Api)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 5
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳  Map: NPC Blacksmith
  •  Flame Arrow (Panah Nyala Api)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 34
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ MaxMP: +100
    ↳  Mobs: Sunion (Lv 73/Lv 76)
    ↳  Map: Dark Mirror (Cermin Kegelapan)
  •   Love Errow (Panah Cinta) 
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 71
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Crt Rate: +5
    Diperoleh: Event Valentine
    ↳  Map: NPC Blacksmith
  •  Demon Empress Arrow (Panah Kaisar Iblis)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 120
    ↳ Base Stability: 10%
    ↳ Accuracy: +15%
    ↳ Aggro: -15%
    ↳  Boss:  Venena Metacoenubia (Lv 185/195/205/215/235)
    ↳  Map: Neo Plastida
  •  Blazing Tail Arrow (Panah Ekor Membara)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 152
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Fire Resistance: 10%
    ↳ Reduce Damage (Bowling): 20%
    ↳  Boss:  Tailgon (Nagakor) - (Lv 213)
    ↳  Map: Tunnel of Trials (Terowongan Cobaan)
  •  Dragon Guard Arrow 
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 187
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Crt rate: +10
    ↳ Attack MP Recovery: +3
    ↳ Earth Resistance: -5%
    Diperoleh: 7th Road of Megiston: 4th Battle
    ↳  Boss:  Guard Golem (Megiston 2022) (Lv 250)

 Water (Air)

  •  Ice Arrow (Panah Es)
    Stat : 
    Base ATK: 17
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Crt Rate: +2
    ↳  Map: NPC Blacksmith
  •  Aquamirror Arrow (Panah Cermin Cinta)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 37
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Cast Speed: +100
    ↳  Side Quest: Researcher's Spirit (Arwa Peneliti) - Lv 78 Finding Hygienic Water (Mencari Air Bersih)
    ↳  Map: Garden of Beginning (Halaman Awal Mula)
  •  Serrein Arrow (Panah Tangis Langit)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 84
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Tumble Unavailable
    ↳ Absolute Accuracy: +1%
    ↳  Mobs: Floragonet
    ↳  Map: Fractum Sector: Area 1/2 (Distrik Fractum: Area 1/2)
  •  Ocean Arrow (Panah Samudra)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 110
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Maxmp: +200
    ↳ Attack MP Recovery: +1
    ↳ Wind Resistance: -3%
    Diperoleh: Event Summer
    ↳  Map: NPC Blacksmith

 Wind (Angin)

  •  Tempest Arrow (Panah Topan)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 15
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Critical Damage: 1%
    ↳  Map: NPC Blacksmith
  •  Tempest Arrow (Panah Topan)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 15
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Accuracy: 10%
    ↳ Critical damage: 1%
    ↳  Boss: Forestia (Lv 39/49/59/69/89)
    ↳  Map: Land of Chaos (Tanah Kaos)
  •  Apple Arrow (Panah Apel)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 92
    ↳ Base Stability: 15%
    ↳ Aggro: -10%
    ↳  Mobs: Coryn (Lv 154 - Lv 156)
    ↳  Map: Dikkit Sector (Distrik Dikkit)
  •  Queen Bee Arrow
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 150
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Additional Melee: 10%
    ↳ Water Resistance: +5%
    ↳ Tumble Unavailable
    Diperoleh: Valentine Event
    ↳  Map: NPC Blacksmith

 Earth (Bumi)

  •  Ceramic Arrow (Panah Keramik)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 22
    ↳ Base Stability: 10%
    ↳  Side Quest: Zono (Lv 25 - The Overlooked Snack/ Kelezatan Rahasia)
    ↳  Map: Sofya City (Kota Sofya)
  •  Pointed Ore Arrow (Panah Bijih Tajam)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 43
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Def: +50
    ↳ Physical Resistance: +3%
    ↳ Accuracy: -1%
    ↳  Mobs: Cavern Rat (Tikus Gua)
    ↳  Map: Singolare Ruins: 1st Floor (Reruntuhan Singolare: Lantai 1)
  •  Cacao Arrow (Panah Cacao)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 50
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Crt Rate: +3
    ↳ Aggro: -6%
    Diperoleh: Event Valentine
    ↳  Map: NPC Blacksmith
  •  Guardian Forest Arrow (Panah Hutan Lindung)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 167
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Accuracy: +50%
    ↳ Aggro: -25%
    ↳ Stronger Against Fire: -10%
    ↳ Stronger Against Light: -20%
    Diperoleh: Event Valentine
    ↳  Miniboss: Arbogazella (Lv 236)
    ↳  Map: Guardian Forest: Lost Woods (Hutan Lindung: Rimba Sesat)
  •  Eumano Arrow
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 233
    ↳ Base Stability: 25%
    ↳ Long Range Damage: +1%
    ↳ Motion Speed: 3%
    ↳ Critical Rate: +5%
    Diperoleh: Event Valentine
    ↳  Boss: Deformis (Lv 274)
    ↳  Map: -

 Dark (Gelap)

  •  Twilight Arrow (Panah Gelap)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 40
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Max HP: -10%
    ↳ Ailment Resistance: +5%
    ↳  Boss: Twilight Dragon (Naga Senja) - (Lv 90/100/110/120/140)
    ↳  Map: Fort Solfini: Roof (Benteng Solfini: Atap)
  •  Spiky Arrow (Panah Duri)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 79
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Magic Resistance: +5%
    ↳ Reduce Damage (floor): +5%
    ↳  Mobs: Ivy (Lv 150 - Lv 152)
    ↳  Map: Dark Dragon Shrine: Lower/Middle/Upper (Kuil Naga Kegelapan: Bawah/Tengah/Atas)
  •  Twilight Sakura Arrow (Panah Sakura Senja)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 100
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Light Resistance: +5%
    Diperoleh: Event Hanami
    ↳  Boss:  Amalgam (Lv 140/160/180)
    ↳  Map: Twilight Sakura Castle: Top (Benteng Sakura Senja: Puncak)

 Light (Cahaya)

  •  Flash Volt 
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 3
    ↳ Base Stability: 15%
    ↳ Accuracy: +10
    ↳ Crt Rate: +10
    ↳ Stronger Against Light: -50%
    ↳  Side Quest: NPC Juan - Lv l68 "Unforgettable Taste"
    ↳  Map: El Scaro 
  •  Candy Arrow (Panah Seni Permen)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 56
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Magic Def: +10%
    ↳ Magic Resistance: +10%
    Diperoleh: White Day Event (NPC Blacksmith)
  •  Holy Tree Arrow (Panah Pohon Cinta) 
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 100
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Dark Resistance: +10%
    ↳ Attack MP Recovery: +1
    Diperoleh: Event Natal
    ↳  Mobs: Santabby (Lvl 159)
    ↳  Map: Tomte Pavillion(150-170)

 Neutral (Netral)

  •  Chimera Arrow (Panah Chimera)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 67
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Max HP: -9%
    ↳ Max MP: +300
    ↳ Crit Rate: +6
    ↳  Boss: Mozto Machina (Lv 114/124/134/144/164)
    ↳  Map: Large Demi Machina Factory: Deepest Part (Pabrik Demi Machina Besar: Bagian Terdalam)
  •  Quartz Arrow (Panah Hablur)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 115
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Crit Rate: +10
    ↳  Boss: Rollitida (Lv 191/193)
    ↳  Map: Fugitive Lake Swamp: Area 2/3 (Rawa Danau Pelarian: Area 2/3)
  •  Drill Blot
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 120
    ↳ Base Stability: 10%
    ↳ Physical Pierce: +10%
    ↳ Critical Damage: +2
    ↳ Aggro: +20%
    ↳  Mobs: Mine Digger (Penggali Tambang) - (Lv 113)
    ↳  Map: Ultimea Sewer: South (Saluran Bawah Tanah Ultimea: Selatan)
  •  Lil Empress Arrow (Panah Kaisar Wanita)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 83
    ↳ Base Stability: 15%
    ↳ Physical Pierce: +10%
    ↳ Def: -30%
    ↳ ASPD: +10%
    ↳ Aggro: -10%
    ↳  Boss: Venena Coenubia (Lv 140/150/160/170/190)
    ↳  Map: Ultimea Palace: Throne (Istana Ultimea: Takhta)
  •  Sakura Princess Arrow (Panah Putri Sakura)
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 88
    ↳ MaxHP: 1000
    ↳ Base Stability: 20% 
    Diperoleh: Event Hanami
    ↳  Boss: Mimesia (Lv 120/140/160)
    ↳  Map: Sakura Castle Donjon: Top (Benteng Sakura: Puncak)
  •  Dreamy Arrow 
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 136
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Natural HP Regen: +10%
    ↳ Aggro: -20%
    ↳ Stronger Against Neutral: +5%
    Diperoleh: Event Hanami
    ↳  Boss: Dreamy Scarlet Sakura (Nightmare Lv 220)
    ↳  Map: Lush Falls: Upstream
  •  Driver Bolt  
    Stat : 
    ↳ Base ATK: 200
    ↳ Base Stability: 20%
    ↳ Accuracy: -25%
    ↳ Attack MP Recovery: 3
    Neutral Resistance: 15%
    ↳  Mobs: Inspector Golem (Lv 164) 
    ↳  Map: Joulu House : Depot (Lv 150)

Warna kuning adalah Arrow terbaik dan hanya diperoleh di event

🌐 History
  • [28/06/24] Update Arrow Eumano Arrow

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